Before you jump to a passionate Twitter thread about Sora to be the last super smash character, you can finally see a warning about potentially heated conversations. At present, the company said it was testing the features of “head” on iOS and Android which would function as MSA which helped. (Twitter said it was in the work a few weeks ago.) Above the intensity warning, there are also screens that highlight some gold rules online conversations: remember someone on the other side; Focus on facts; And consider different values, which can help strengthen your perspective.
Similar to Birdwatch, Push-Driven Twitter to fight the wrong information with the context of information, the heads up feature is an effort to empower company users. It is difficult to prevent poisonous conversations completely, and this is one way to choose out of potentially controversial arguments. (Life is too short to argue with some fandom games, of course, of course, this is not a substitute tool that can really help people avoid harassment, such as new security modes.