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Google Flights update helps users find flights with lower carbon emissions

Google is trying to make its own operations more sustainable and less polluted, and allow users of applications and services to make greener choices. Recently we talked about Google Maps updates that allow users to choose navigation routes that consume less fuel. Google has also made updates for its Google ticket function that allows users to choose flights based on carbon emissions estimates.

Carbon emissions estimate data for most flights on Google Tickets Search results available from today. Google wants to allow users not only choose flights based on price and flight duration, but also on how much flight will pollute. Estimated Google emissions specifically for each flight and specifically for selected seats.

Anyone wondering how one flight to the same goal may pollute less than other flights traveling with the same route, it must be done especially with the aircraft. Newer aircraft less polluting than older airplanes. Changes in pollution based on seats because the first class seat takes more space than the economic seat and takes into account the larger part of the overall emissions in the flight.

Google flights will label flights with lower emissions with green badges. The choice of sorting will also allow the sorting of flight selection based on the effects of carbon which is at least polluting flights to the top of the list. To arrive at carbon estimates for flights, Google combines data from the European Environment Agency with specific information about individual flights from airlines and other providers regarding the type of aircraft, the number of seats on the aircraft, and travel distance.

Google believes that it is important for people to find accurate carbon emissions wherever they order flights. To help activate it, Google helps develop open models to calculate carbon emissions for air travel and work to promote standardization using a framework in the travel industry.

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